Congratulations!Couch to 5k News

Successful Spring 2024 WSPH C25K Course

After 9 weeks of training Hayley successfully completed the WSPH Couch to 5K course and ran the Weymouth Park Run route with fellow WSPH runners.

The course follows the Public Health England Couch to 5k training program, Using the ‘One You Couch to 5k’ App from Public Health England.

WSPH trained coaches, will take you out every Monday evening for the 9 weeks duration of the course and guide and encourage you all the way.

The course requires you to run a further 2 times each week, following the training plan.

The group consists of runners of all ages (with runners over 80 years old still participating) and abilities, keen to manage 5K and caters for runners who have never run before.

C25K Run dates will be displayed on the WSPH C25K Facebook page ,in latest News section of the website and on the WSPH calendar as they are organized.