
The latest C25K Course will be starting on Monday 1st July 2024 at 18.30 in the college car park, we will be following the 9 week NHS app with coaching support from EA qualified coaches there to support you along the way. Check out the WSPH C25K Facebook page to keep up to date

Wednesday 24th July 2024 Race start at 7.00pm Registration from 5.30pm
Come and join us again for the Maiden NewTen 10k race 2024 on Wednesday the 24th of July at 7.00pm.
The event is hosted by Maiden Newton Runners and consists of a Multi-Terrain 10k race through the beautiful Dorset countryside.
The route is fully signed and marshalled and has an Association of Running Clubs permit.
St Johns Ambulance staff will be in attendance.
Race HQ and Registration is located at :
The Community Centre
Chilfrome Lane
Maiden Newton
where there is Car Parking, Toilets, Refreshments and Baggage Drop.
Entry Fees are £14 for Affiliated Runners and £16 for Unaffiliated Runners.
Runners must be 17 or over to compete.
There are no “on the night” entries so please book online to secure your place. The race is capped at 150 runners.
Unfortunately we cannot give refunds or referrals but transfers between runners can be done by contacting Timing Monkey.
Entries will close at Midnight on the 23rd of July 2024.
Every finisher will receive a medal.
There will be prizes for 1st 2nd and 3rd Male and 1st 2nd and 3rd Female finishers and also some Age Categories 45+ 55+ 65+ for both Male and Female runners.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Steve Hills (Race Director)
I agree that the race organisers may publish my Personal Information (including photos) as part of the participant list and results of the Event and may pass such information to the governing body or any affiliated organisation for the purpose of insurance, licences or for publishing results either for the event alone or combined with or compared to other events. Results may include (but not be limited to) name, any club affiliation, race times, occupation and age category.
I agree that any relevant information will be shared with the event medical partners to ensure adequate medical cover is place. This information will only be made available to those with a legitimate need to access it and will be stored securely.
I understand that by entering as an affiliated runner, my affiliated status will be checked ahead of the race, and if it is found not to be valid I will be required to pay the additional non-affiliated fee in order to be able to run.
I agree that no refunds or deferrals will be permitted, however transfers to another runner will be possible up until the 23rd July 2024. To request a transfer, please email
By entering the race you agree to all of the above terms.
The race is held under ARC rules.
Your data will only be used as required by the event organiser for the safe running of the event, and by Timing Monkey to contact you regarding the event, and to provide accurate results split by gender and age groups. Your data will not be passed on to any third parties, nor will you be contacted regarding anything other than this event unless you specifically allow it during registration. Timing Monkey is registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

The latest C25K Course will be starting on Monday 1st July 2024 at 18.30 in the college car park, we will be following the 9 week NHS app with coaching support from EA qualified coaches there to support you along the way. Check out the WSPH C25K Facebook page to keep up to date

The Stur Half…
The Stur Half, organised by the Dorset Doddlers is a road race and has been running since 1990. The route follows rural roads in and around Sturminster Newton.
The race is sponsored by Honeybuns Bakery and supported by other local businesses, and this year is part of the Dorset Road Race League.
There is also a multi-terrain 5k race, which you can enter on the day, and while you are running we will entertain the children with races on the school field.
Whether you are a returning runner or new to the Stur Half, we look forward to welcoming you on Sunday 4th August 2024.

The latest C25K Course will be starting on Monday 1st July 2024 at 18.30 in the college car park, we will be following the 9 week NHS app with coaching support from EA qualified coaches there to support you along the way. Check out the WSPH C25K Facebook page to keep up to date

The latest C25K Course will be starting on Monday 1st July 2024 at 18.30 in the college car park, we will be following the 9 week NHS app with coaching support from EA qualified coaches there to support you along the way. Check out the WSPH C25K Facebook page to keep up to date

The latest C25K Course will be starting on Monday 1st July 2024 at 18.30 in the college car park, we will be following the 9 week NHS app with coaching support from EA qualified coaches there to support you along the way. Check out the WSPH C25K Facebook page to keep up to date

The latest C25K Course will be starting on Monday 1st July 2024 at 18.30 in the college car park, we will be following the 9 week NHS app with coaching support from EA qualified coaches there to support you along the way. Check out the WSPH C25K Facebook page to keep up to date

Organised by Weymouth St Paul’s Harriers and Athletic Club.
A 10k run on a mixture of typical forest tracks and woodland paths. The last kilometer is on a quiet country road. The event is in memory of Phil Carpenter and Bonnie Christopher and to raise money for ‘Bonnie’s Last Wish for suffering Donkeys’
Get your tickets for the 10K event from Full On Sport or by clicking the red->green Ticket link above.
Runners will come across sweeping wide tracks and rough and undulating terrain, trees in the middle of the course and tree roots underfoot. This will call for good eye to foot coordination. If it has been raining there may be some muddy ground to contend with. There are two stiles to cross and a stream to cross as well.
When? – Sunday 9th July 2023
- Registration from 08:00 to 09:05
- Race Start Time – 09:30
Where? – Moreton Village Hall, Dorset, DT2 8RE will get you to the race HQ where you will finish. The actual start is 1km away on the North side of Moreton Ford. The nearest postcode to the start is DT2 8RJ.
How Much? – £15 will get you into the event and just £2 more if you are not affiliated to UK Athletics.Tickets available from FULL ON SPORT website
Who? – As long as you are over 17 years of age, ‘You’ and all of your friends and family and colleagues and neighbours. Everybody is invited. If you fancy a go and have not done any running before then the Weymouth St Pauls Harriers team will get you up off of your couch, up and running and achieving a 5k run at the Weymouth Park Run with their WSPH Couch to 5K training Program. The next course starts on Monday April 3rd April 2023. Meet up at the Weymouth College Car Park at 18:30. See here for more details :
How Long? – It’s only 10 kilometers, that’s 6 1/4 miles in old money.

Organised by Weymouth St Paul’s Harriers and Athletic Club.
A 6k run on a mixture of typical forest tracks and woodland paths. The last kilometer is on a quiet country road. The event is in memory of Phil Carpenter and Bonnie Christopher and to raise money for ‘Bonnie’s Last Wish for Suffering Donkeys’
Get your tickets from Full On Sport or by clicking the green Ticket link above.
Runners will come across sweeping wide tracks and rough and undulating terrain, trees in the middle of the course and tree roots underfoot. This will call for good eye to foot coordination. If it has been raining there may be some muddy ground to contend with. There are two stiles to cross and a stream to cross as well.
When? – Sunday 9th July 2023
- Registration from 08:00 to 09:05
- Race Start Time – 09:30
Where? – Moreton Village Hall, Dorset, DT2 8RE will get you to the race HQ where you will finish. The actual start is 1km away on the North side of Moreton Ford. The nearest postcode to the start is DT2 8RJ.
How Much? – £8 will get you into the event and just £2 more if you are not affiliated to UK Athletics.Tickets available from FULL ON SPORT website
Who? – As long as you are over 17 years of age, ‘You’ and all of your friends and family and colleagues and neighbours. Everybody is invited. If you fancy a go and have not done any running before then the Weymouth St Pauls Harriers team will get you up off of your couch, up and running and achieving a 5k run at the Weymouth Park Run with their WSPH Couch to 5K training Program. Meet up at the Weymouth College Car Park at 18:30. See here for more details :